FASOFT n-track Studios Reviews 4

I was searching for an inexpensive Multitrack recorder and after a google search and 1 yr of using the demo I bought this software. This Software is free to try, $70 to buy.

This software is very user friendly. I didn't read the manual and I was up and running in minutes. I used this software for a year before registering it. The demo only allows you to use effects on one track and also has other limitations.

If I try to do too much too quickly it crashes. I'm not sure if this is XP's fault or the programs fault.

The software has the feel of Macintosh's Digital Performer. You can add midi tracks, audio tracks, and even sync music to video with this software. There may be more you can do with this software.

User friendly software, for $70 is hard to beat. Excellent for those just starting out in home recording.

Ruben Brito rated this unit 4 on 2002-12-19.

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